Blogs from secular humans
Why Biden is getting too much hate for the border wall funding.
So, let me get right into this by saying President Biden did not have a choice in this matter, and I doubt he liked having to do this. But the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution is clear. Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 says: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence…
Push to make union and labor rights a reality in RI schools!
So recently I contacted my State Representative Tina Spears about making the equivalent of what California recently passed Bill AB-800. The bill would essentially make changes to the education code to teach issues including but not limited to (A) Prohibitions against misclassification of employees as independent contractors. (1) Local, state, and federal laws regarding each…
A CVS Employee’s Tale: Navigating Challenges and Pursuing Justiceย
A CVS Employee’s Tale: Navigating Challenges and Pursuing JusticeIn a recent video, I shared my heartfelt journey as an employee at CVS, offering a glimpse into the hardships I faced and the unwavering determination I held to address them. UPDATE: WPRI is going to release my interview finally, they’re just going to get a statment…
Introducing Humanist Truth
References and information for secular humanists.
Got any book recommendations?