Hey there, I just wanted to share some exciting news and dive into recent developments regarding CVS and Walgreens, two major pharmacy chains. Let’s break down the key points here.
1. Interview with WPRI: In May of this year, I had an interview with WPRI, a local news station. This interview centered around the investigation of CVS, which was under scrutiny in Rhode Island for not paying employees time and a half on Sundays. Walgreens was also under a similar investigation.
2. Investigation Outcomes: The investigation into Walgreens had concluded successfully, with employees receiving the compensation they were owed. However, CVS’s investigation is still ongoing, and I’ve been discussing it here and on my Youtube channel.
3. CVS’s 2023 Holiday Policy: Here I want to bring attention to CVS’s 2023 holiday policy for non-California and non-Massachusetts nonunion stores. Of particular interest is the mention of Rhode Island colleagues receiving time and a half for working on Columbus Day.
4. Rhode Island State Law: It should be known that Rhode Island state law (25-3) mandates that employees be paid extra for nine holidays, including Columbus Day. Moreover, the points out that the law also requires payment of time and a half for Sundays.
5. Interpretation and Speculation: I speculate about CVS’s specific mention of time and a half for Columbus Day in their policy. I interpret this as an acknowledgment that the law applies to them, suggesting they may not be exempt from paying time and a half on Sundays and how they knew, but still tried to get out of it for many years. This is only speculation and not a statement of fact, nor am I a legal expert or on CVS’s Legal Department.
6. Public Response: The raises questions about how CVS and Walgreens will respond to these investigations. Will they acknowledge their wrongdoings, or offer a different explanation for being under investigation for over a year? Or will they just flat out refuse to comment? What can you even say in response to such facts. Yes, I said claims not facts because WPRI has all the relevant documents provided by me.
In summary, I wanted to provide this update particularly focusing on the legal obligations regarding holiday pay and time and a half for Sundays in Rhode Island. I also explore the anticipation of public responses from these pharmacy chains. I’ll keep an eye on the developments in this case and provide updates as they come in.
Stay tuned for more updates on this story!
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